Today we were going home

We had set an alarm so woke at 8, we showered and packed our bags and then watched a little bit of TV before we checked out. We left the hotel at 11 and went to Disney Springs to drop off bags using the Virgin check in. As we had booked using Virgin Holidays it was free although they did have to look us up on the system as we hadn’t been sent a voucher?!
We had lunch at Deluxe Burger (with hindsight we should have just gone to the Earl of Sandwich as normal) and then had a wander. We took the boat across to West Side and then over to Saratoga Springs (we walked between West Side and the Landing).

When we got to Saratoga Springs we asked if we could see the Riviera Resort model rooms and really like the look and the bathroom in the studio but I can’t believe how high the points are even compared to Bay Lake Tower!

We walked back to Disney Springs and got sundaes at Ghirardelli (I’m not liking the trend of showing calories on the menus). Then we bought some chocolates to take home and Rob got a little waterproof speaker from Ron Jon’s.

Our drive back to airport was quick although we had to queue to get back into the rental car return...! Car return was simple, only charge was fuel although we didn’t use a whole tank so wasted a few dollars...
Security as usual was ridiculous – 30 mins to get through and you could only enter the line if your flight was in the next 2 hours. This is why we choose any other airport in Florida unless the price is right….
Our flight boarded on time and we left at 2025. The flight was quite fast, food options as usual rubbish on the way home. We actually arrived in UK airspace about an hour early but due to air traffic control and a delayed plane at our gate all of that extra time was eaten up

Baggage took ages to unload as always seems to be the case at Gatwick, and we were finally headed to the car via the bus.
Once at the car we headed in the direction of home, but the M23 was closed due to roadworks and so it took forever to get to the M25. We had to stop part of the way back as we were too tired. We eventually got home just before 1400 and then headed to bed for a nap. Another trip over