18th Feb
Rob woke us up at about 8, we got ready and had breakfast at Jen and Tom’s before deciding to go shopping.Tom was really looking forward to shopping (or was indulging us because he’s a kind host).
We started at Costco which was new to Rob and I, we found lots of goodies here including some clothes - I got a skort! We also picked up some bounce sheets as they are cheaper in the USA and come in bigger boxes 😁
Next we visited Freshmarket, Pottery Barn, William Sonoma (where I got some amazing birthday bark for $9) followed by Anthropologie and Love Sac.

Love sac is not a dodgy shop I promise - they sell sectional sofas and Jen and Tom have one so we went to look at them because we are weird and like furniture shops 🤣
As it was my birthday we had lunch at Panera Bread, we all enjoyed ours but Jen said her soup wasn’t very good 🙁

We then went to Trader Joes which was much anticipated for Rob and I but sadly it didn’t live up to our expectations.
Final shop of the day was Target! We got some theatre boxes and some other treats, which I don’t seem to have taken a photo of!
Back home where we played a Mario game which I was awful at, I don’t even know what I was doing for most of the time 🤣
We walked to Goobers Diner where we had a great dinner. I had an amazing chocolate milkshake and a burger while Rob had a Philly cheesesteak.

When we got ‘home’ we had birthday cake and watched some HGTV.

19th Feb
We woke up and had some toast for breakfast and Tom made me some coffee again

Despite loads of shopping yesterday we went to Christiana Mall to do more (thanks Tom.)
We entered via Macy’s which is important for navigational purposes then visited Lego, Apple and the all important Tesla store (which Tom might actually have liked).
We stocked up at Bath and Bodywork’s then bought ourselves some Girl Scout cookies (tagalongs and thin mints) and then we picked up a Starbucks on the way out.
We then found Rob in Macy’s where he was annoying Jen as he was being very indecisive. He finally picked some items and the cashier kindly gave us an extra discount which we appreciated.
We continued to the oddly named Fashion Center where we visited another favourite - the Container Store! This was at least helpful as it enabled Jen and Tom to look at wardrobe solutions.
We then visited REI which seemed to be a bit like Go Outdoors (but fancy) and another Trader Joes (still disappointing) and then Best Buy - which was another disappointment as the staff didn’t want to talk to us.

We then did some slightly unorthodox dodging across the car park to Jersey Mikes for lunch.
Rob and Tom shared this sub:

Almost finished with shopping we headed to Marshall’s/Homegoods where I wanted a coffee sign but the line was ridiculous.

We also popped into Homesense which seems very similar to Homegoods.
Last shop and where I think poor Tom finally lost interest was Athleta. I tried on a few skorts to check sizing and picked up a cute tennis dress before we adventured back to the Wagoneer.
We took Tom home to recover after the shopping marathon and then we went to Kid Shelleens because Rob wanted a steak.

I had a salad so that I had room for more cake when we got home!

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