Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A weekend cruise to 'Paris' - Day 1

Pre-travel and Day 1

As this was a short trip (only 2 days) the pre-travel element is short.

I finished work on Thursday at 1400 having worked an exceptionally long week. It had been a bank holiday Monday so I had worked 2 and a half days!

Once I finished work I headed to town to get my hair done and then Rob had his done too, we had done some washing during the day and sorted our packing once we were back from the hairdressers. I was travelling fairly light and only took 2 pairs of shoes (in addition to the pair I was wearing).

Friday 10th May

We both woke up at 0600 and did peloton workouts before getting ready and popping the last few bits (toiletries etc) in our bags.

We left our house at 0830 and planned to meet our friends at 0845 but traffic (in our tiny town) was crazy due to some really badly placed and timed temporary traffic lights.

We were travelling with our friends Chris and Emma, along with Emma’s mum (also named Chris) and her friend Donna.

We finally got to the meeting place with the gang and started on our journey to Southampton in convoy (of 2 cars).

We made good time once we left our town and so stopped at McDonalds for a drink. I got a toffee latte and sausage and egg McMuffin for my 2nd breakfast (I had fruit at the house). Rob had a coke and a bacon flatbread and both were quite good.

We arrived at the port at 1100 where we experienced a baffling parking experience.

It was very slow and confused (although it only took about 10 mins), none of us could work out how they made it look such hard work!

I also took this photo where the parking company basically absolve themselves of all liability despite charging almost £70 for 2 days parking.

We then walked the short distance across the road and checked in, security and the whole boarding process was super smooth and before we knew it we were on the ship!

We dropped our bags in our cabin and then went to get pizza as well as completing our safety brief. We also took the rest of the gang to their muster point which was in a slightly different place to ours.

We also collected our soft drink cups and then slowly took the gang around the ship to explore.

We covered decks 4, 5, 14 and 15 picking up some snacks along the way (which oddly I don’t seem to have taken photos of).

We headed back to our cabin at about 1500 to have a rest before the sail away party, we had some lovely sunshine and sat on the balcony for a little while.

We headed up to 14 where I got ice cream then we joined the rest of the group on deck 15 where they had selected seats in the shade, safe in the knowledge that when the ship left the dock we would rotate and be in the sun!

We stayed on deck 15 until around 1800 before we went back to our cabin to get ready for dinner.

Rob and I went to the main dining room whilst the rest of the gang went to the windjammer (buffet).

We had bread rolls and then I ordered tapas to start which I then had herb crusted portabello while Rob had beef tenderloin (surf and turf but without the surf!).

We both had the Royal chocolate cake for dessert which was just as good as we remembered.

We headed to Two70 to meet up with the gang to see Spectra’s Cabaret, which is a slightly odd show but it has some amazing ‘robot’ screens as part of the show.

I had a mocktail and Rob asked for a cocktail with orange and the server decided that should be a screwdriver.

At some point we headed down to the casino to use our promotional credit (a massive $6 each), somehow we managed to actually cash out with some profit. I got $9 and Rob got $4.50 so we kept the little receipts and planned to cash them in the next day.

We headed back up to deck 14 so that we could see the outdoor movie (although we weren’t planning to watch the whole thing.

We also popped back to deck 4/5 where lots of people were partying, there was a Eurovision themed party and a balloon drop planned for midnight but that was too late for us and we headed to bed at about 2300.

I have also put my video clips together:

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