Monday, June 17, 2024

It’s a last minute one! P&O cruise to Amsterdam leaving tomorrow!


We had the week off work so after I had done my peloton workout we went for a late lunch.

We got back home and Rob checked online as we had been looking at a few options for a trip. The P&O cruise to Amsterdam was still available so he called and booked at about 1600.

We tried to do online check in but it wouldn't work so we decided to just arrive a little early the next day.

We did some washing and drying ahead of tomorrow and got a few bits ready.


We got up at 0630 and I headed to do my Peloton classes while Rob showered.

I came back in and he had started on the ironing, so I helped get that finished and started selecting the clothes I needed.

We made breakfast - boiled eggs as we had bought bread and eggs before we had decided to cruise.

Next we had to clean out the pond filter as we have got an issue with blanket weed and the filter keeps getting clogged and then it floats which is annoying 

That sorted out we started our packing which we got almost done before Rob went to do his peloton classes. Once that was done we added the last few bits and packed our bags into the car.

We left the house at 1300 and stopped briefly at Asda to get a couple of bits.

We arrived at Southampton port at 1420, where we dropped our car with Parking4Cruises.

We are never keen to leave our keys with a company but we had limited choices this time.

We then dropped our bag off having secured a label and joined very long line outside at 1430.

Our arrival time was 1515 but as we hadn’t managed to do online check in we thought it best to arrive earlier.

It was a slow process and we finally got finished with check in at 1530!

We got on board (after security and having had our paper passes checked about 5 times!) and located our cabin, the keys had different names on them and we had dinner name tags in our cabin with another name on them 

We went to Guest Services and they changed them but it was a slight concern. We also went to our muster station although they didn’t work first time.

We were told we would get a letter the next day which we thought was very odd. We have never been allowed to leave a port before if everyone hasn't completed their safety brief.

We unpacked and went to look around, we found the ship a little odd as there were certain areas which could only be accessed by particular stairs.

We got pizza and burger/hot dog and chips.

Both were fine although Rob says the pizza was better on RC and I agree!

We got drink in the bar, after our card was refused and we had to go back to GS again!

We also saw 2 men refused service as they were wearing shorts (smart ones but apparently unacceptable). The bar was effectively in a corridor so this felt a bit much.

We went back to our cabin to change for dinner and join the virtual queue.

Our table was ready at just before 2000.







Rob said this was slightly over done


Pavlova with ice cream

Sticky toffee pudding also with ice cream

We also had a quick look in the shops on our way back but didn’t find anything we wanted.

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