This morning we woke up at 0720 and packed up our things ready to leave. We left shortly after 10 and drove across to Royal Pacific Resort which we had booked for 1 night just for the express passes. We checked in and stored our luggage, one room was ready so I popped over and stored all our refrigerated goods!

Amy was given a birthday card and balloons on arrival which was nice. We took the boat across and decided to start with Universal Studios. We had bought a 3 day photo package so popped in to sort that out – I had forgotten to bring the paperwork but the email was enough.
We started with Minions which even with the Express Pass had a reasonable wait and I think everyone enjoyed it although both Matt and Lucy struggle with simulators.
Next we had lunch at Monsters Cafe, I am not sure why Universal seems to operate quick serves where you get food and then pay?! We got stuck behind a woman who didn’t seem to have enough funds on her card and attempted 3 times before managing to pay and all the time our food was getting colder
Once that was done we worked our way around taking everyone on Shrek before Matt, Rob and I did Rip Ride Rockit and then Rob, Ellis, Hayden and I did Transformers whilst Amy, Matt and Lucy met Shrek and Donkey.

WE had been struggling to find Amy a drink (she doesn’t like fizzy drinks) so Matt went to try and find something while the rest of us went to see ET and then we did the Woody Woodpecker rollercoaster.
Matt, Rob, Amy and Hayden did the water slide which was odd and I was glad that Ellis didn’t want to have a go!
Everyone did the Simpsons, Amy wasn’t keen and both Matt and Lucy concluded that it was probably not something they would re-ride!
The whole group did Men In Black and then we took a walk around the Harry Potter section, Amy and Lucy stayed out while the rest of us went on Gringotts which took ages even with Express Passes and that was a pain cos the other 2 were waiting in the heat

We called it a day and took a boat back to RPR where we really confused them by claiming our bags but not taking them to our room! We headed to our villa at BellaVida and dropped everything off before going to Walmart to restock our supplies.
This all took longer than planned so the kids got McDonalds for dinner and the adults had late night pizza! We finally got to bed around midnight!.

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